Monday, December 19, 2011

Infatuation - Broccoli Head


I dreamed I was infatuated and caught between two people, one was a lady and another was Neil Tyson the astrophysicist that hosts Nova Science Now.

Broccoli Head

I had purchased from a market huge amounts of Broccoli and some Cauliflower to eat raw.  They sold the produce small or large bags. I added up all my money and purchased all I could.  I was sitting in a lean back chair eating.  After a time a person or two were watching me from a short distance but not really bothering me.  My sister did interfere at one point and it did frustrate me. What frustrated me more than anything was that one of the Broccoli heads turned into a small stock with a human baby head on the end.  I could not work out how I was supposed to kill it and eat it.  It was a moral problem of course and it frustrated the hell out of me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mind Control of my Father

I was living with or at least hanging out a lot with my parents.  My father had gone to a business that he frequented a lot but he had not known that they were also a front for an organization that was into mind control.   Surreptitiously they had started fogging his mind and planting thoughts.  There was a bottle of sweet juice that they would send for him to drink which played a part of this charade.  I had started figuring this out and had started figuring out that my mother was also a part of deceiving my father.

I had been trying to do something about this and had assaulted another person for which I was still awaiting court.  In the mornings I started working on my father to see what was going on.  I learned that a certain frequency of TV controller would scan a business and it happened to be the control that my parents had to match their TV.  I had my father looking into it and my mother destroyed the controller.  I convinced my father into asking the man upstairs for the building to get us another.  Then one morning my father to go to the business that had done this and I went with him.  We had done this a couple of times to see if we could figure out how to get into the back room, who knew about this business and so on.  Each time when visiting there was an older gray haired gentleman that kept telling my father it was nonsense but was a bit sarcastic and looked down on my father.

This time we went in and my father opened a door that was leading to a back room and the gentleman was there and before I knew it he had strangled the man to death.  I could see him in a fury.  I grabbed him and jerked him out of the building.  We got back in him small pickup and took off and my father was still just furious.  He was merging on to the freeway and challenged another car for no reason.  I kept trying to calm him down and eventually he was reasonable again.  We went back to their home.  My mother had a stash of the sweet juice and I started pouring it out and fighting with her.  We got another control from the man upstairs at the front door and my mother didn't know so I stashed it.  My father was trying to get the big one that had come with their TV.  The one that had been ruined was a smaller one that had come with the TV.  I remember my mother and father speaking and I was in a large over-stuffed chair looking at the spilled juice and broken controls there.  I do recall that I had drank the juice periodically to get into the mindset of this mind control.