Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Employment and Space Cadet Stools

I was seeking employment and I was first trying out for the office work side but when I was interviewed it became obvious to the interviewer that I would make a great employee but that my true talent would be in sales.  I was sent to speak with two men that would help me work through what would be needed to see if I really would be a good fit and to let me see if I thought I would enjoy it.  

They had me follow them to a horse show shaped counter with bar stools, however this was not a bar. I sat at the bar around the corner but near another man just around the corner.  I had my left elbow up and slumped against it. When I did that I was too close to the other man who moved his drink.  I sat up straight.  One of the two men I was to talk to got up and went to a console of sorts not far to his right which was also to my right. 

The man starting working the touch screen. I saw a wrapper of wood above and in front of the entire length of the horse shoe bar and on it was an LED TV screen for each stool.  I saw mine light up and said Space Cadet 1.  The man that was at the touch screen quickly moved to the stool to the right of where he was manipulating the touch screen and he touched a screen there also.  At that time every LED around the bar lit up with Space Cadet and then the next number in line.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flying water experiments

I was young and being given the opportunity to help with medical experiments that were taking place on small ships.  I had traveled to the middle of the US to go on my first outing.  I was training in a new concept that could get you from place to place quickly to help others it was simply called "flying."  We were trying to help prove two concepts one of them "flying" and the other was that we would take blood and a small amount of tissue from one person to then help another. This was a more direct medical concept that later we were able to add to by trying a man made substance that could help seal body parts back together more efficiently.

We took this substance with us on our second outing in my home are of Seattle and tried it on a body part that we had taken out to mix with the blood of the other individual and then wanted to seal it back together and used the new substance which unfortunately failed.  We would be working to perfect that but for now we had to go with what was already being used which had some drawbacks.

I will explain a bit more about "flying." I was the first trained. I could use my body using a trained technique of using momentum and the natural wind being produced by the ship to bounce to another location quickly.  It could be anywhere within range but what we had in mind was to a place in the water or to another deck or anywhere you could see by line of sight that had injured individuals.  If done well and having enough momentum a first fly could be coupled with a quick second fly from the first landing position.

I had applied to be able to add my technique of "flying" to help with the tissue experiments.  After the first try at both I helped with the final write-ups.  I was given the chance to try the two techniques again on the Seattle ship as a follow-up.  On the second trip I remember walking the deck speaking aloud to myself about the supplies that the small ship wanted to take with them. Based off of the knowledge of the earlier experiments they wanted some cranberry juice as it had proven to help with some conditions, that they wanted the new substance for helping heal the organ and they wanted Beer as it was proven to help as well.

On the earlier ship we had traveled with a lady that signed and we met a teen-aged girl there with the family that owned the small ship that could speak sign but also use her voice and lips in soft sounds to extend communication many fold over traditional sign with voice.  When the two young women met I was standing nearby and the young girl had not been told that we were going to ask her to teach this to the other lady but when they met I could see the two made friends and the student lady was so eager to learn that I did not think it was going to be a problem.

After the second set of experiments we were walking down the street where there was a parade and the man we had been trying to help was walking with them parading for the belief that people needed to support this type of experiments.  I saw another man, gray beard walking not far behind and as I looked at him he said I am the living coach and I thought to myself that it was good we had been waiting for him.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fixing the Bleeder

I was with my father and we were looking to repair the health of one of our frozen human subjects.  This was taking place in the lower floor where the temperature was kept very, very cold.  We knew that one of them had an arterial bleed and my father was sent to fix it.  We kneeled down to make the repair.  My father stripped off the husk to the outside of a mashed vegetable matter that was going to be the base for the repair and would be mixed with the subjects own skin and meat to plug the hole that was a major bleeder.  As my father readied the ingredients I saw the cold dark cloudy eyes of the person opened and showed some sort of life.  I yelled out that the person had opened their eyes and my father looked at me and rolled his eyes as if I were a complete idiot.  Just a moment later the person lifted up off their spot and took both hands and started making a rowing type action as if they were going to get away.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting the Giant, The Huge Teddy Bear and a failing Alibi

Repetition and frustration, those were the feelings most dominant throughout along with oddity in my reality.  I was with a group of people and we were in a large mall or warehouse and we were there day after day. I am not sure this was because I was forced by the law but I do know it was frustrating.  The main thing that was extremely frustrating was that there was a giant of a fellow that kept following me and some others wherever we went.  We would walk down a long hall and go to the other end of the long warehouse and we would be cutting a zigzag path down the aisles and he would still follow us. As I say he was a giant of a fellow probably 6 foot 6 at least and with a barrel chest the size of two people.  His legs were huge; everything about the man was huge.

We tried various things to get the giant to stop.  I remember yelling at him many, many times.  One time I threw a rack of clothes into him and he landed on the floor. I jumped over where he was and was beating his head until he pushed me away and put up his feet to stop me coming back.  His shoes were the equivalent of a size 35 or some such nonsense and they were shaped like an elves shoes with pointed tips on the end.

We would pick a spot in the warehouse and have meetings occasionally.  One time I was sitting on a couch and there were ladies that had put folded clothes and other things on my couch and around our area.  I tossed the clothes as far as I could and yelled at them for being in our area.  Another of the times the man followed me I remember I went by a small inside cafĂ© and one of the waitresses there looked at me oddly so I hurried on.  Other times I would go through glass doors to the outside and back in.

I remember on one occasion we were taking a break and went outside.  The sky was dark and overcast but not raining or wet.  The giant acted like he had business to do.  I recall he was headed inside my car parked on the beach.   The car was a small VW Beetle and I had to keep him away.  About this time I could see activity out in the ocean.  There were a few boats in the water.  There was a tug boat, a larger ship farther out and a few others.  All of a sudden I could see a large Teddy Bear head fly out of the sky and land in the water.  This head was the size of a car or more.  I said to the large fellow along with others," I want a picture of this," and they looked out to see what I had seen. About this time I could see a large rig on shore pulling a loaded logging truck out of the water.  They pulled it out fast and hard and it rounded the corner very near to where I was.

Back inside again I was going down a hall and the giant was following me and I could see two others that had been constantly followed also nearby and they were yelling at the giant for what he always did.  I looked at them and I said, "Let's get him.  Right now."  They jumped the man and pulled him to the floor.  I immediately grabbed his glasses and tossed them as far as I could.  I knew this would hurt him as we had wrestled glasses off of him before and his reaction was pained.  We continued to beat the man and then I got up and walked off.  I left the others to continue the beating.

I was attempting to keep an alibi for my whereabouts but I could see that it was not going to be fool proof as I was away from any of the others for a long gap.  I got back to the area that we usually congregated and I could see some commotion nearby.  I looked under a nearby rack and could see that there was a game going on under a table and was being played with different shaped markers.  I could hear someone say that it was finished as one of them had made a move that could not be beaten.  Finally at the end I could see a lady in water with her head barely above water.  Her mother was nearby talking away without concern.  I tapped the woman a little hard to bring her to and she came out of it.  When she had her faculties and she realized that she had been in a dream.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trip to the service and then filth and blob hands

I was in a car load of passengers heading to a church service.  My wife was in the back with her dad and I was in the front seat.  I leaned against the door and propped my knees up some but not with feet on the dash and this drew the ire of the driver that said that the dash was not very sturdy and that I shouldn't prop the way I was.  I said, "Hey I have this perfected" and the other lady in the back seat beside my wife also gave me some grief.  After a bit I gave in and sat up.

We got to the service and were on a break.  My wife and I had left and went to a get together with this guy that was in his late twenties.  And older lady and a young daughter were also there.  The house was filthy, dirt was everywhere.  The toilet was filthy but there were rocks and stacks of old papers. The floors were just terrible.  There were piles of items everywhere and all you could think when seeing them was dirt, germs and all forms of bad.

I went to a room and opened up a folder of paperwork for something to do.  There was a small TV there as well that we watched. I hit the remote to turn down the sound and instead I lost the picture.  I tried to get the channel back but I had to turn the old fashioned knob like on the TV of the sixties and I could not get the channel back.  I wondered why I could not get the channel and the lady came over and got the channel back with one touch and I said, "Oh you have VHF out here," and she nodded her head yes.  She told me about a program she liked to watch and I said I would also watch UHF if I had it.

The phone rang and the lady could not find her phone.  She accused me of moving or stealing the phone.  I told her that I had not and that I had been reading.  The lady started saying if you don't think I am serious I am telling you that you shouldn't mess with me.  She was sitting in a big overstuffed chair.  I sat down on a little stool and my wife was in a chair.  When the lady was lecturing me her hands would turn from normal hands to a big lumpy blob about the size of a boxing glove.  She said that I should go to this certain web site section and then follow a link.  She told us there was some documentation there.  All of this time her hand would flash into a lumpy fleshly blob and then back to a normal hand, back and forth it went.

I started worrying about my smoking and I wanted to quit as it wasn't healthy and I thought well what can I do maybe buy Marlboros because that is what the kid had on the desk there.  I started thinking that the name brands were the worst for the poisons in them.  Finally I got up went over to the carton of Marlboros, took a pack and ripped off the covering.  I took a cigarette and told my wife it was time to go.  When we got out to the street we were a bit panicky and did not know which way we should turn. I started one direction and my wife stopped me and said no we should go the other way.  We had a ride to the service but we did not have a ride from this house back and it was quite a ways away from where the service was.  I did not at all want to go back because of her hands and the filth of the house.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Different Realities and Swimming out of Trees

I was a wanderer and sometimes that just didn't pay off!  Our living quarters were on different floors of a towering building that was also deep and long.  These floors broke our living into different realities.  In other words the way I saw things on my floor and the way I lived daily was completely different than those on a different floor.  The realities were not completely foreign from one to the next but definitely they were much different.  The inhabitants on one floor were not completely welcoming of wanderers.  They would not kill you or at least I didn't think so but just going and expecting to hang out was not something that worked well.  As I mentioned I was a wanderer and most of those living the different realities new me and made it a point of messing with me if they saw me where I should not be. 

This time when I hit a floor not of my own fellows made it particularly hard on me.  The first think I knew I was struggling to get myself out of a tree.  Well let me explain that a bit.  Imagine a tree about 15 feet tall.  Then imagine it was a full tree of branches.  But these trees had no leaves.  They were sturdy trees just without green on them.  So now imagine you are in the middle of this tree and struggling to make your way out of it.  That is dead in the middle without being able to drop down and crawl out.  I am supposing I had made this floor/reality before and had found myself in the middle of these trees.  I had a way out of them.  I had to turn my body over and over and backwards until at some point I would find myself on the outside of the tree.  It was as if by these motions the tree would part on one side and I was out of the tree. 

I moved myself out of the first tree I found myself inside.  It was a lot of fun but also took a good amount of effort.  Once I was on the outside of the tree I found myself yet in the middle of another.  I worked my way to the outside and I then saw why I was finding myself in tree after tree, they were being thrown at me by that floor's inhabitants.  I worked myself out of tree after tree.  Finally I had worked myself to the other side of the building and made my way into a small building there. From there I then made my way back to my own floor reality.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gushing flood waters and Holding on to Life by a Thin Line

There were great gushes of a flash flood river that was flowing down off of a forested Mountain headed directly towards me and others.  It was coming down from our front right.  I was lucky enough to have been one of the few people that were on top of a wooden tower building.  Many people were getting carried away by the water or were trying to find footing somewhere on the land on either side.  It slowed to a mere trickle for just a few moments but I could see toward the top of what my sight could see on the Mountain side that water was slowly building and would soon flow once again.  The water began again with immense gushes carrying great force with it.  There were others on the top of this tower and I was terrified that they would push me either on purpose or by accident and I would lose my grip and fall.  As it was I was lying there but no real grip.  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Postage Stamps Kill and my Father Drives Terribly

We had heard a report on TV that the postage stamps that were being sold at a quick store that we knew were killing people. They were lick stamps and if you licked them you would die soon after the poison on them got into your system.  We saw the report that showed a man's family speaking about their loss.  The scary part about this is my mother had gotten some of the stamps.  We got to her with my father driving and we told her about it.  Then I and my brother decided we better get rid of ours.  I licked one of mine for some reason and then quickly before I swallowed I collected some water in my mouth and rinsed and spit.  My father was driving us meaning my mother, brother and I and we were headed somewhere.  He was driving fast and my mother and I both yelled at him to take it easy.  This only spurred him on to drive worse.  

He intentionally spun around corners and through small gates.  My mother wanted to drop by that store so we got close and my father slowed down and she got out but the car was moving as my father took off.  We collected her back up and I yelled at him over having done that to my mother.  He again was taking risks in his driving he should not have been taking.  We spun around a corner and the car slid to the side and then headed straight into a building.  This time I could see we were not going to get out of the collision.  I braced and could see my brother next to me brace with arms over head.  Sure enough we hit the building.  I was sure we were dead if the building was cement and block.  We got lucky and it was a wood framed building with no wall on the inside.  We smashed through it and then through a port of potty that happened to be set up on the far side of the building.  We went out the other side and into a mesh metal fenced open yard  

Disclaimer - The reason the Eid stamp is in this post is because I love the fact Postal supported Muslims not because I am against Muslims!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Deep Empathetic Communion

I had gone to see a family that I had not known but we all wanted to get to know each other. I got into the house and the entire family was sitting in a living area that had several areas to sit.  I took a position on the floor near the center of the family.  As we started conversation a little girl maybe 7 or so came over and got close.  She held on to me and put herself in my arms and snuggled next to my chest.  I felt very strange about this as this is not a loved relative this is a stranger and that sort of close contact is not really alright.  Then her father said she likes to touch, feel others it's ok. I still felt very strange and wanted to remove myself from the situation.  I did not get up and tried to be ok with it for now.  In a bit of time another of the girls in the family maybe 10 or so came over and got near but maybe not quite so over my chest.  The younger of the two left.  As I continued conversation with the adults of the family I started to feel something palpably different in my emotions.  I could tell that something was not right or better yet it was right and to the fantastic of right!  The family were all super Empaths and could read, feel and share emotions on a much deeper level than any of us have ever done so.  I now understood what was welling up in me something that I was not used to, a real caring, responsibility for good and desire to make a better world.  As we continued our conversation it was more like a communion.  One of the girls that had come closer told me that the boy I made out to be about 6 would also have come closer but his skin broke out with a rash when he got too close to someone.  They pointed over and the boy showed the back of his hand and it was broken out but I guess not as bad as it could have been if he had made his way closer.  
When I had awakened from this dream.  I laid there in total awe for a bit and then found myself tearing up wishing that it was true and wishing that I could make it true.  I had felt so warm, so true, so very free and uncontaminated.  It was an amazing feeling.  It wasn't until later in the day that I remembered the concept of "Rainbow Children."  I have a link that will explain from another's point of view what that is but the way I have always felt about it was that children of our future may very well be more spiritual, more empathetic and more free of ills of humankind.   I do hope that this is so and if it is a fraction of how I felt when I awoke humankind will be just OK. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The show, the stars and the cabin with the messy floor

My family and friends were with me outside.  We had one bench where my father and a few others were sitting and I and many others of us were on the ground just ahead of them.  There was an attempt at an outdoor showing.  This was to be more art and fun stuff than a movie or anything of that sort.  I, on the ground just in front of my father, touched him and gave to him what I hoped would be received as a loving gesture on his leg.  I told the others around me that it was amazing how many stars we could see.  A time or two my father got up to help or check one thing or another and I could hear someone saying that he was anxious about the whole thing. 

A bit later a dear friend from years past gave me two long candles, both white, and was asked to carry them with the left hand just in front of the center of my chest and the right about 18 inches in front of it.  The candles were lit but acted more like a light stick and had a nice white green glow.  I was to get up and walk around the area which I did. 

The group of friends and I walked up a hill to a small home or cabin there and went inside.  Immediately I noticed that the floor was very messy but most of the mess appeared to be wood chips.  Others worked on starting a large fire in the wood stove nearby and after they had gotten it going  I stood very near it as I was chilled.  There were animals dogs and other that were playing on the floor among us. 

My family and friends were with me outside.  We had one bench where my father and a few others were sitting and I and many others of us were on the ground just ahead of them.  There was an attempt at an outdoor showing.  This was to be more art and fun stuff than a movie or anything of that sort.  I, on the ground just in front of my father, touched him and gave to him what I hoped would be received as a loving gesture on his leg.  I told the others around me that it was amazing how many stars we could see.  A time or two my father got up to help or check one thing or another and I could hear someone saying that he was anxious about the whole thing. 

A bit later a dear friend from years past gave me two long candles, both white, and was asked to carry them with the left hand just in front of the center of my chest and the right about 18 inches in front of it.  The candles were lit but acted more like a light stick and had a nice white green glow.  I was to get up and walk around the area which I did. 

The group of friends and I walked up a hill to a small home or cabin there and went inside.  Immediately I noticed that the floor was very messy but most of the mess appeared to be wood chips.  Others worked on starting a large fire in the wood stove nearby and after they had gotten it going  I stood very near it as I was chilled.  There were animals dogs and other that were playing on the floor among us.