Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making mock Humans

I was working at a saw mill.  It was my first day and I was learning my job from another fellow.  There was a rubber belt nearby that would carry bits and pieces of wood that were scraps.  These could be ragged pieces that were 3 inches long and had several pointy tips or it could be a piece that was four feet long and looked like a good piece of 2 X 6.   I was being shown that my job was to assemble these pieces together into small mock humans.  In other words I used larger wood and cut holes in them so they could cross together and make a base and then a piece of wood could stand on top of that and so on until I had as good a mock human as I could get from feet to finger nails.

The fellow teaching me was very, very good and evidently had a lot of experience.  He could take a piece of wood and mold it expertly into something he needed for one of his humans.  He could take sliver three inches long and know exactly where it would fit on his sculpture.  I had to ask him if the point was to always make a full human and he said yes.  The fellow I was working with wanted to show off and went and got a sculpture he had put together out of this wood that was a decked out motorcycle chopper with extra long exhaust and it looked amazing.  A little later I needed to know how I could go to the restroom.  I was taken down to the restroom which was a roughly enclosed square about 40 feet on each side that had dirt and some in mounds other in big holes and that was my restroom.  I went in to pee and saw another fellow getting up from what must have been more than a pee and I thought to myself I better bring a roll of TP with me to work.

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