Sunday, April 24, 2011

Computer Repair Technician Put in a Fix

Our computer was having major issues so we had to call in a repairman.  A lady came to the house upon our call for help.  The lady showed me a long list of code that was needed to fix the machine and I told her that I would take the fixing of the computer on myself with her instructions.  She had used a large washing machine sized metal cabinet to make the diagnosis.  Coming out of the appliance were two large plastic tubes that had attached to the computer and something could be seen moving back and forth through the tubes.  

The next day I was being asked by a network TV investigation team to supply an interview to them because it had been found out that the data on my machine had been snooped by the technician and her machine.  I had shown up to the studio and was talking to the host.  He asked me if I knew how to come out on a camera.  I said, "No" of course.  So he brought his face up as big as he could make it and puffed out his lips and said you need to come out big.  I took this in and then decided maybe TV was not in the books for me.  

The next day I did show up yet again at the studio and decided that I would try this TV thing to get the story out.  There were a hand full of us there all of them in seats around the host but I was on the floor.  He was interviewing the others and as the camera adjusted from a closer to further distance I would have to duck down and let the cables go over my head.  The cameras made adjustments over and over again and I ducked over and over again.

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