Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oscar Parties, Statuettes and Threats

I was fortunate, or as it turned out, unfortunate to be at a post Oscar party in Hollywood.  I had been in a back room and had run out to announce to the crowded room nearby that the president of the United States had made a decision and that I had seen it on TV.  I went back into the back room where three men loosely surrounded me and put themselves at each side of the room with doors.  Another man approached me to tell me that he wanted me to bring him five Oscar statues.  My father had two of them and they had already taken those from the shelf in the room.  The man that was doing the speaking had been smoking a pipe and another pipe lay in an ashtray nearby.  

The men became distracted for a moment so I grabbed the pipe, slipped out the door next to me and began my way down the wall puffing just a bit of smoke as I made my way.  I made it to the corner and began to run down the long hallway to the door to the outside world. 

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