Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peeling and Bleeding arms

I was having trouble at home and had been kicked out.  I was alone walking the sidewalks of an evening city street trying to find help for my arms which were both badly hurt and bleeding.  The arms looked as if someone had taken a blade and tried peeling them as if an arm was a carrot and the skin was being removed around it. On one was a deep gash at a diagonal as if whoever had done the peeling had aimed deep and guaged down at an angle into the skin.  I found a Dr. Office and they pulled me inside to deliver help.  The Dr. worked on the arms and used what looked like a C clamp to hold the bandage down with pressure to prevent further bleeding. It took him some time and finally he let me go. I went back out on the streets.  I was walking aimlessly not knowing what to do with myself. It didn't take long for the bandage clamps were both gone. 

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