Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Odd body - Snowy Road

 Odd Body

I was speaking with and being friendly to a lady that was hanging up in the middle of a large open room in a mall like office building.  The lady had a face and chest with arms that dangled and were alive but seemed not to bend up just hang down.  She had a short torso and then legs that attached and dangled loosely. I did not see of how she was attached to where she dangled from.  I would walk up touch her hand and get a squeeze from her and speak for a bit.  She was a warm person with a slight upturned smile on her face.     

Snowy Road

A few of us needed desperately to reach the bottom of the mountain and it was nearly impossible.  It was a mountain in full snow and a whole lot of ice.  Our only hope on this day was to make it down with Rosy O’Donnell as our driver.  She was in the front let as driver and had a passenger beside here and me a bit up front of them and others in the back.  We had to make it down but it wasn’t point A to point B shot as it was an obstacle course of crevice, large ice shifts and drops.  In addition we had to make this trip fast and we were moving like crazy.  Someone yelled at me to pull in my feet or I would lose them coming up on a small cut of ice we could barely make it through.

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