Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sawmill machinery being run by Tori

I was at a sawmill. I was walking from place to place inside the mill where machinery was run.  I wanted to get down to the next machine in line and the easiest way to get there was to log surf.  There was a ramp angling down about 15 degrees and the metal deck had logs packed side by side over the entire ramp.  I started at the top and set my feet and posture correctly and let my body fall.  I easily slid log to log until I reached the bottom.  It was obviously something that I had practiced many a time.  

The machine I had worked my way to was enclosed on all three sides with glass with a solid back and a door to the left handed side.  The worker had both feet in constant contact with two working pedals and stood but slightly forward tilted so they could see straight down into an auger in front and to the bottom. 
The machine was being worked by Tori Spelling.  A short bit after I had landed at her machine she stepped out of the enclosure and used her feet to stomp down a branch that had hung up. 

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