Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Watching the Universe

My brother, mom and dad, wife and I and we were all hanging out. I took control of a couple of laptops and 2 TVs and watched the goings on in another universe! It was incredibly great vicarious fun and something I thought I would never be a part of. You had to be very careful because it could be done but you could not shut down incorrectly and anything you did had to be done correctly. If you kept it running they would find out about it and constables would be to your house quickly. If this happened you shut everything down and then tried to bluff your way out of any suspicion.

I kept getting angry with my brother as he kept turning on more TVs and more laptops and they were all used for the other Universe. I could do it and handle it but he couldn't. I told him exactly what to shut down, what to leave, where to put things just right.

We also had a lady visitor that was looking at all the music information. She understood it and enjoyed it. This lady was a very nice lady but she happened to be a lady that was not great looking. The reason I mention this is that this lady could have crossed over universes and if she had been good looking I would have had a hell of a time as others would have wanted to be around her and this would have brought suspicion down and I would have been answering questions from the constable once again.

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