Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dazzling Electronics

I was at my parents home.  They had many other people in the house and all of them seemed very close to my parents and possibly some of them were or had been working for them domestically.  It was, as near as I can tell, a large extended Asian family headed by the mother and father with young children and older children out of the house.  They were all very nice and all of them accepted me nearly instantly and started sharing their lives and fun with me.

It wasn't long before I was dazzled with an array of electronics by all of the children both young and old.  The young children were first to approach and sat beside me on the couch.  They were sweet children wanting to share their fun world with me. The first young girl showed me her drawings that were amazingly good for her age which was maybe eight.  She then showed me more of her work this time from a tablet computer that showed the pictures on the wall.

Later the older children showed me an amazing list of films that they had on their electronic device that hooked up to a monitor on the wall.  The picture of each film was clear beyond clear.  They landed on a particular film that showed a riot happening in the streets.  Actually at this point I wasn't sure this was a film or real footage.  In this same movie I watched as large concrete slabs maybe some ten foot wide and 5 feet high and many feet thick were rolling down the steep hills of a city street with people scattering in front of them.  The people were running in front of the blocks, running to the side all the time the blocks kept gaining speed as they rolled. Eventually I asked if I could know which feature this was as I wanted it for myself.

I was dazzled the entire evening from one end of the house to the other by a group of very nice people showing me a broad array of astounding electronics.

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