Thursday, March 10, 2011

Above and behind the Sanctuary

There had been a celebrity that had taken over a church but it was still a secret to many.  I do know there were events for charity and so on that was in the main sanctuary but they did not know that the rooms behind, to the sides and all other places but the lobby were locked away that a celebrity had stolen this area for herself.  I had gone in secretly to investigate for myself that the young lady star and her entourage had stolen this area for themselves and sure enough I saw that they had, of course I had to hide so as not to get caught.  I was sneaking in the wings to the left and right and up from the sanctuary and hiding in a clothes rack that was there and saw for myself.  Later it became my wife and I that were hiding there and using the space.  I knew that because we had nearly gotten caught we were allowing about 9 of the worst sickest people to be treated.  I know there was a specific case that I had asked an outside contact to get a good doctor because I could not prescribe the medication needed and it was very much needed.  There was a lecture in the sanctuary that I could overhear about collecting money so that we could help all the people that would be coming in and I remember hearing that the man nearly gave away our hiding referring to some we already had in care and if he did we would be known, however he covered for himself.  About that time my wife walked by with very old and horribly rotting flower stems out of a vase that she was getting rid of by throwing them out a window and the back of the sanctuary. They landed across a busy street in the ditch near the paving. Howard Stern with what seemed to be family riding in a golf cart.  They were riding along and upper walkway that was in front of our rooms and above the sanctuary.  I remember him telling someone on the cart that he and his father called this last service a “flint” and that is what they called the services that they did not like.  I was trying to piece together in my mind what each letter of the word could stand for something like death, dying and so on which is why I thought they probably did not like the service that day.

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