Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dodging Dead Folks

I and anyone left alive were being chased by people killing, people eating, walking dead.  Those of us that were alive were up against a huge population of the dead.  We were also up against a food and supply shortage.  I was with another man and was trying our best to gain supplies while staying alive.  We had gotten into a warehouse and started making our way through the merchandise when we started seeing many dead folks coming our way.  We found ourselves throwing anything we could in the back of a pickup we were driving while dodging, jumping and beating our way through the dead.  I was almost frozen with fear and found myself hiding on behind a tall stack of pallets.  Eventually my partner found me and there was a pale skinned young girl there that was in need of eating us but was so tired she could not do it as well as it seemed some morale hesitation.  We left that location and eventually I was yelling for my partner to get the hell in the pickup and get out of there as there was a huge hoard of dead heading our way down the aisles of pallets. We headed out of the building and were into a set of rock cliffs and valleys that we were making

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