Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Speaking to my dead Uncle

I was living with my parents.  My father and I were in the back yard. My uncle who had passed wanted to tell me something.  He was not far away and told me what he wanted me to remember.  I told my father hold on a moment.  I took out a pad of paper and a pen and started writing down what my uncle had said.  I repeated part of it back to make sure I had it right.  When I turned around my father looked at me like I was mental.

As I turned I fell into a flower bed we had back first.  It didn't hurt but my back picked up debris from the bed.  I got up and went back in the house.  When I came in with a filthy back my brother picked off a small sponge-like object and asked me what it was.  I told him it was like the sea cucumbers in the water but it was on land.  He squeezed it a bit and what looked like water came squirting out.

My father, mother, and brother were at the dinner table and I joined after brushing off a bit. I started speaking and said, "I speak with uncle Martin sometimes and that is that."  They looked at me odd and I followed that up with, "Who thinks I am crazy."  Unfortunately the answer was unanimous that my entire family thought I was not fully with it.

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