Monday, March 14, 2011

Saw Mill and Explosive movement of stacks

I went back to work at a saw mill after it had been down for quite a while. Finally they had brought up back. I first started doing a job that I had done previously and I was struggling to get it done correctly. I was moved to a less important job but that was ultimately easier. I helped band up stacks of wood so that they would not fall apart along with other chores. I walked through the area where the main saw was and I bumped the base of the carriage that held the log and it moved. It actually moved all the way to one end very fast and I thought it might go off the track. I noticed that it had now been built with a hard plastic.

I worked outside the rest of the day. I saw a couple of people walking by several of us waving green slips of paper saying that they wanted to work. I asked one of the people what the deal was and they explained to me that I could go home if I wanted that they would work and the green slip was evidentially my pass to go home for the day. It seemed we had too many people back at work and eventually they would have to make some adjustments. I told one black fellow that was waving a green slip that he should wait over to the side and that I would think about going home. A couple of minutes later I told him I usually go whenever I have a chance so I am pretty sure I will go. At one point we had a stack of wood towering above us. It must have been 60 feet in the air. Some smaller boards had come out of the stack on the bottom and several of us that worked outside that day rushed over and plucked them away from where they were dangling.

I looked up and that was when I had noticed the great height of the stack. I had told the person next to me that I wondered if it was safe for us to stand where we were. The stack was wobbling as we looked up. About this time the stack grew even higher and became a metal tower. We continued to add stages to the tower. Each was built with an explosive gas that pushed the next section out. It was frightening to hear the exhaust of the gas as the section exploded up to its next height. When done this was a metal tower a hundred or more feet tall with a large rectangular dome on the top.

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