Friday, March 11, 2011

Acquaintance, Burley Men and the Snake

I was home and had taken a shower and was upstairs in the bedroom working on my computer.  I had the TV on but not watching it.  I then lied down on the bed when my wife came home and said "Hello." It wasn’t but a matter of minutes later that a fellow came into my room.  He was a new acquaintance that I had made at work at a Toyota factory where I was working for the moment while looking for other work.

I said, "Hey how you doing?" He was stirring around and headed downstairs so I followed him.  We went out the door of the house and on to the gravel driveway. I saw he had a small bike he had ridden over on. We talked a bit and we went back upstairs.  I was telling him that I had just seen a moment of a TV movie that Dana a lady that I had met on the job had made.  Since he and I worked together he also knew her.  The movie was about a woman that had met a grandfather that then was being corrupted. I told him that I was a bit worried about her and that I would ask again when I went to work.

About that time there was another bunch of fellows that came into the room.  At the same time my new acquaintance turned up the stereo and it got pretty darn rowdy quick The upstairs was large enough to accommodate the party.  After a bit of time I slid over to my friend and told him that they were going to have to leave at least his friends did as it was just to rowdy and that it would upset my household.  He sat on the bed and looked peeved when he pulled out some money and laid some down.  I said, hey you don’t have to do that but he continued.  I also said I was sorry and he stood on the bed, grabbed a stack of items on top of a fridge that included a TV and shook them until they almost dropped.

About that time another large group of burly men came into the room and I could hear them say, “Yes about 15." "So we are going to have a large fight there tonight and need two wagons.” About that time they started issuing out the other fellows and with them taking items that somehow had gotten into the room without me knowing. Large items, five gallon cans of liquids and the like.Just before walking away my new acquaintance took out from under the bed many such items.

As the burly men cleaned up they started pouring gasoline on the floor and I began to yell that I would sue and that they were destroying my home. I walked to another door that led upstairs on the right and blocked a fellow asking if he was one of the burley men which he said he was and I pleaded my case that they had to leave and who the hell were they. He asked me if I was in the military and I said no and he said that these men were usually contacting someone in the military service that could tell them about shipments.  I said no that I just worked for the Toyota factory.

Right at this time I was standing back in the living room and a snake that was nearby was crawling by and I nicked it a bit and it grabbed the top of my head in a fully extended jaw bite and was attempting to inject venom. I stood in shock for a moment until the boss of the burly guys turned around showing total fear in his face and said get it off and I grabbed and flung it for all I was worth.

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