Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's really all about Smiley

My wife and I were in a large banquet room in a hotel.  All around us were people trying to make us believe that they had found some spiritual insight.  They kept talking to us about the reasons we should believe.  At first we were both blowing them off.  We made our way around the crowd and we spoke to many people espousing their beliefs.  At one point my wife told me that she wanted to speak with someone.  She made her way to a small group and started talking.  I waited a bit and made my way over by the group.  I heard my wife telling them what she believed and then I heard them say, “Smiley, yes.  We see.”  I was very upset with all of this and I wandered away and started throwing whatever I could see laying around on the tables or chairs and tossing them at various groups of people.  I could see that mostly I was ignored and I went further and further.  I picked up a small light stand and swung it and knocked a man’s head so hard it dangled lifelessly.  I tossed cans and plates and anything I could see.  I finally started tossing anything I could into the group of people that my wife was speaking with. 

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