Saturday, March 19, 2011


I walked into a banquet room that roomed off of my sleeping quarters in a hotel complex.  The room was quite full. I found a chair and introduced myself to the gentlemen at the table.  I could see a name tag on a jacket on a gentleman near me. When he introduced himself to me I called him sir and I preferred to keep that name for him.  I was being scrutinized by the room and was not altogether sure why but took the scrutiny in stride.  I was asked what the ID was I had around my neck and it appeared to be a rhetorical question.

I of course had a lawman’s badge around my neck on a long placard.  One of the men at a nearby table read to those at the nearby tables from a news clipping speaking about a doctor who was attempting to fluoridate the water in the country.  There were snickers from around the tables as the man said to whom this note had been addressed as they were all in on the irony.

On the screen on the wall was a very large screen television playing and I had glanced up at it to see that the leaders of the United States Congress and Senate were hung up completely in a serious deadlock.  I had started to hear patches of conversation around the tables and I realized that what the crowd in this room was attempting to do was to overthrow the congress of America and that I had stumbled in upon their efforts.  I was asked with a knowledgeable suspicious look by Sir what it was that I did and asked what I could do for them.  I said I will speak with you sir if you will be kind enough to speak to me first and explain to me what it is you do, what it is you believe, what it is you will do and what it is that you expect to have done.

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