Friday, February 25, 2011

Shadiness, the campus, heavy waves and the wait

I went out to a university to see if I could get a better price on an iPad and other things. I was not a student so therefore this was going to mean doing some major conniving. I had a friend or two there so I started working it. I was getting an .edu email address so that I could then pas off as a student and make the purchases. I got an address of a student that had been there before from my friend and then started working it. I was hoping that validation of the address against the database that would stay the student had left would not be a hold up and I would try my best to talk my way around it. I I went to the store and picked out what I needed and went to the desk. The database showed the student had just left but I claimed I was him and eventually I was able to gain my purchase. However I had a super powered go Kart that I remember I was needing parts for that was there a few blocks away and I started working my way around campus trying to score the parts. Eventually I was sent away by security and warned not to come back.

The next day my wife and I went to a local resort area on the ocean with awesome rolling generously high waves. There was what was called a second break out 100 meters where the waves were even higher maybe some 7 feet at crest. There were a lot of side washes and curl backs so the water could be quite dangerous there or body beating at best.

There was a guard station very near the beach as well and they handled security for the area which also included a set of cliffs where diving took place. I was there to get parts and some other things from the installation which had a military PX style shopping area up a hill to a second area for less immediate security needs. My wife was going down to the lower side while I went to the upper level. I got to the main offices grabbed what I needed and put in an order and waited confirmation. I had been here before and was leery that I would not be able to make the purchase under the account that I was using which was not completely on the straight and narrow of things.

I completed a small purchase and although I was not disallowed there was a feeling that I was now being watched closely. I was asked to sit on a comfortable set of small sized couches that were against the walls. There I waited for my wife and she didn't show. I did not bring my mobile phone so after quite some time I asked the personnel to page her. She still did not come.

I overheard the staff telling each other about stories of the water and one man said he got married at the 2nd break. He continued to say that they had seen Tiger sharks nearby which are the most dangerous sharks in the area. About that time a large squad of military looking cadets ushered through the building and out a door on the other side with the Sgt in charge saying, "I see your eyes wandering. Straight ahead."

After they went out the door on the other side the man continued his boast of having gotten marred on the 2nd break and the lady he was speaking with an obviously fit, tall women with what appeared to be Caribbean decent said, "Hey tell my sister." The man went to the glass sided cubicle next in line and stood in the entry way and told his story in full detail. It was really quite something to consider such a unique marriage.

This moment of fun was but a momentary bit of fun in an otherwise aggravating wait. Eventually my wife showed up and said that she had been in an auditorium where there was a presentation of the areas waters. I was not the forgiving husband I was sure I wished I had been when I looked back on this day as I began a serious whine about having had to wait, "all this time."

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