Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Party

The party was at my house. We had a lot of people over. There were Israeli’s, Arabs, a younger group made up of one girl of Asian descent and two white men of unknown decent. My brother and my wife were there. There was also a group of folks staying the night and one older man that had a small bed out that during the party a large friendly dog was hanging out on. I later had a friendly fight with this dog and when the man came back to get some things from under his bed I had to apologize to him for being on the bed. People were milling around and one lady left and brought back an SUV with food in the back, she was of Israeli decent and so of course I had to say something to our Arab friends that a lot of the good food came by way of the Israeli woman. My brother was being his usual strange and obnoxious self using a toy gun made specifically to use different types of bugs for ammunition. He had shot a few of one type of bug into our lobby into the house and was now sitting in a smallish room with a TV and several of us sitting there. He had set up to shoot a two-sided white strange looking bug and jettisoned the living ammunition toward the TV and now as looking to let one go toward me and the others. I told him not to be a jerk.

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