Monday, February 7, 2011

Potato House

I was living with my aunt. I was in my twenties. It seemed to be just the two of us. The sides of the house slopped gradually inward on their way to the top to meet the ceiling. This provided the house with an airy naturally lighted room since there were windows from nearly floor to ceiling. The living area was open with an island of natural trees and plants that were hosted in the cutout in the middle of the hardwood floors. My aunt had planted potatoes on the side of the cutout bed on the backside of the room. I had watched her plant them. On this day she squatted down and harvested the large sized Russet potatoes. She dug underneath the large mound and then with her hands turned the mound up and over revealing the many potatoes which she then started to gather up. After gathering them I was told to clean up the mess that had been made on the floors and that made me angry. I did not have a shovel which I needed so I went to look for one in the large sawmill area nearby. I could not find one that wasn't in use.

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