Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mall hang out, awesome book and pockets of writing pens

I had gone to the mall to hang out. It was a large mall with very wide hallways. I entered into a lounge area where I sat on a sofa and a couple of guys were hitting on me. I was a bit interested but the one guy’s mustache just made it too weird. So I told them I would be back and I left. I wandered down the hall. I finally came back into a large area with tables and sat down at one with a paper that was not a normal paper. This was a great idea that I wish was for real. This paper opened up like a book but was bound in glossy paper and had columns and text similar to a paper and its size was probably 2 feet long and a foot and a half wide. I had placed it on the cafeteria sized table and was reading it. I loved it as it was easier to read with the larger text and the stories were all fun. I flipped over to the front of the paper so that I could see if I could subscribe to it. Its name was USA Fiction however some of the stories I had been reading were nonfiction interest pieces. I could see a couple of guys at a table behind me that were keeping their distance although I knew them and we both looked at each other. Also there was a quite a few tables in the front of me that had over a half dozen guys sitting at them and while I was reading they started making comments and mock singing and so on about Penis and sex. I had several layers of clothing on my upper body. I had a shirt, a sweater and a large army coat with many pockets. The right pocket was bulging out and I finally got sick of it. I went to a trash container nearby and starting emptying out the pocket. I had tissue that I threw away and various other items and then a huge amount of writing pens. I had probably 50 in there. By this time several people had gathered around me and I said hey you want a pen, one person showed me three he had already taken. Another guy grabbed the bag and would not let go. It was a younger kid. I put him up against the wall and put my hand around his neck and said come on man let it go. I did not want to have to do anything. He finally let it go.

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