Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Warehouse and Radiation Joules

In total count there were about four men and four women including me that were in a large warehouse and at this time were waiting for a man to work on a machine at the far end. We needed to use the machine but the man was fixing whatever was wrong with it. The machine was dangerous so no one but the man was near it. He had tools in his hands working diligently while we watched from a distance. Even at the distance we were away I was not comfortable, the machine frightened me, a lot!

As we watched the man walked a short distance away and laid down his tools. He stood there a moment and all of a sudden he went into contortions first bending over and raising his legs and then just as fast he flipped 45 degrees and arced forward and back. That description does not do justice to what we saw. What we saw was so strange that it provoked laughter and then a pit of your stomach fear. A moment or two later when it could be registered more fully it was pure and absolute terror from the knowledge that this man had taken far too many joules of radiation from the machine he was working on.

Yes as we stood in fear the man went to the machine once again and began to do more work. It was some time later that the man walked away and we were notified that work on the machine had ended and that it was repaired. The group of us waiting near the door made our way back toward the machine.

We spent some time there and then headed to the warehouse doors again while another man who seemed to be a boss headed to the far end of the building and was moving equipment around very near the machine. I could see that I had heavy grease on my hands and once outside the building I went to wash as well as I could.

A women in our group went inside a small restroom and I waited for her. I wanted her to be safe. She came out and was bundled in a parka and I hugged her for a moment. She said that I was silly. I told her she was just so cute dressed in the parka.

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