Thursday, February 3, 2011

Drilling for freedom

I was captured and told what to do along with four others. The man that captured us made us go places and do the things he wanted and if we didn’t he would kill us. We had some autonomy when we were out but I was always extremely fearful if I did not do what he wanted I would indeed be killed.

One of the things we were to do was in a large mall like shopping center. I decided to make a break this day. I gathered my nerve and moved behind some curtains in a section of the store that sold window treatments. I waited for some time and one of the other three people, a middle-aged lady, which had been my fellow captive, looked in at me. I remember drilling her with a long six inch auger bit chucked in a heavy-duty drill. I remember drilling hole after hole in her and the others. I remember four holes going in one of them, all in the chest where I could reach.

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