Sunday, February 6, 2011

Seeking Mike Strange

I was at a college and living in one of a row of dorm buildings. From my room I could see the room of Michael Strange, a guy that I wanted to speak with. There were two of us in my room and I supposed that my friend would also try to find Mike but I thought I would go my way and he could find his way. I left our building and went outside via a door on the side of the building that was closest to the other building I needed to go to. A light snow had begun falling. It was rather pretty but unexpected. I thought I would tell Mike when I saw him. I headed up a cement stairway to the building that I needed to be in. It was a gradual stairway but unusual as the steps were not at all built for a normal walk and were much too close together to do much good. I made it up to the top and walked down a small outside walkway to the door leading into the building. I entered the building and as I started to walk I took off a sweat shirt hood that I had tied on. I had trouble with the strings but eventually worked them free and removed the hood. As I did this I could see the building’s interior was bustling with people but it was also dingy and poorly lighted. I headed toward the room that I could see Michael was in and the area was blocked by a wall. I went to a nearby room that happened to be full of many girls. It was a single room with one door leading away at its back. There were a group of girls sitting around a couple of work type desks. I asked them if they knew Michael Strange and how I could get to the room. They said that they knew him but began just chatting amongst themselves and ignoring my question. I decided the help I needed was not there as stepped away. I could see that this section of the building did not do me any good so I walked back out of the door I had come in and around the end of the building to another steeper flight of iron stairs. I went up the flight and looked once again for Michael’s room. Again I could not see the room I needed to get to so I poked my head into a room nearby. The room was a large room where only cushions had been put out on the floor and there in a circle were a dozen or so people. When I asked my question one of the men that was lying down and propped up on one arm beneath his chin asked me why I needed to see Mike. I answered that I just wanted to talk with him and the man asked yet more questions. It seemed to me that I was not going to find out the information I needed but was distrusted for some reason and was being jacked around. Before I could speak a lady came to my defense and said that there was a relationship between me and Mike. The fellow spoke up and again was being a jerk. I told him and the rest of the people in the room that I would find Mike on my own and thank you anyway. I was hoping that it was said as sarcastically as I had intended it to be. The fellow began to speak up again and I cut him off and said, “Thanks anyway, and have a good day.” It was said in such a way that I was sure that he and the others could see that I had just called him out for being under the influence of his drug of choice. I turned around and again was looking around the active dingy halls for a way to get to Michael’s room. I passed a few girls that were snickering loudly. I was self-conscious that the gray sweat bottoms and the hooded sweat shirt were the focus of the laughter. I looked down the front of the sweat shirt and thought I could see a bright yellow spot. As I continued to look I could see that the spot faded and I realized that it must have been the lighting in the building.

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