Monday, February 21, 2011

To Dance

I was in college and was in a class that went to the gymnasium for this day. When we got there we were told that we were to get out on the center of the floor and dance. I along with many others were milling about quite anxious over this prospect. A man very briefly showed us what to do. I talked to the lady next to me and said that I didn't want to do this. She said that she wanted to learn. The man asked if there was anyone that could teach us further. There was no answer so the lady next to me went to a bench nearby and asked a guy that she had known danced if he would come over and teach us. The lady next to me was someone that I liked a lot and said ok I was in. She and I stepped out into the middle of a circle that had formed and started to dance. We were doing a modified slow dance that was more like a very slow waltz. We danced our way around the floor and went back to our spots as we could hear others telling us that we did a great job.

The guy that was sitting on the bench that came over to help us learn was now out again showing us what he does and was now joined by two of his friends. They each took turns showing their best moves. One of the men counted off 2 and 2. I thought No for what you are doing it is really 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. He was actually doing as we had done which was a slow pace waltz. Another of the men went out and showed us his skills and it was nearly spot on to what an ice skater might use on the ice including a modified sit spin. Now all of his buddies began dancing in the same fashion flashing through the circle.

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