Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Different Realities and Swimming out of Trees

I was a wanderer and sometimes that just didn't pay off!  Our living quarters were on different floors of a towering building that was also deep and long.  These floors broke our living into different realities.  In other words the way I saw things on my floor and the way I lived daily was completely different than those on a different floor.  The realities were not completely foreign from one to the next but definitely they were much different.  The inhabitants on one floor were not completely welcoming of wanderers.  They would not kill you or at least I didn't think so but just going and expecting to hang out was not something that worked well.  As I mentioned I was a wanderer and most of those living the different realities new me and made it a point of messing with me if they saw me where I should not be. 

This time when I hit a floor not of my own fellows made it particularly hard on me.  The first think I knew I was struggling to get myself out of a tree.  Well let me explain that a bit.  Imagine a tree about 15 feet tall.  Then imagine it was a full tree of branches.  But these trees had no leaves.  They were sturdy trees just without green on them.  So now imagine you are in the middle of this tree and struggling to make your way out of it.  That is dead in the middle without being able to drop down and crawl out.  I am supposing I had made this floor/reality before and had found myself in the middle of these trees.  I had a way out of them.  I had to turn my body over and over and backwards until at some point I would find myself on the outside of the tree.  It was as if by these motions the tree would part on one side and I was out of the tree. 

I moved myself out of the first tree I found myself inside.  It was a lot of fun but also took a good amount of effort.  Once I was on the outside of the tree I found myself yet in the middle of another.  I worked my way to the outside and I then saw why I was finding myself in tree after tree, they were being thrown at me by that floor's inhabitants.  I worked myself out of tree after tree.  Finally I had worked myself to the other side of the building and made my way into a small building there. From there I then made my way back to my own floor reality.

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