Saturday, September 17, 2011

Getting the Giant, The Huge Teddy Bear and a failing Alibi

Repetition and frustration, those were the feelings most dominant throughout along with oddity in my reality.  I was with a group of people and we were in a large mall or warehouse and we were there day after day. I am not sure this was because I was forced by the law but I do know it was frustrating.  The main thing that was extremely frustrating was that there was a giant of a fellow that kept following me and some others wherever we went.  We would walk down a long hall and go to the other end of the long warehouse and we would be cutting a zigzag path down the aisles and he would still follow us. As I say he was a giant of a fellow probably 6 foot 6 at least and with a barrel chest the size of two people.  His legs were huge; everything about the man was huge.

We tried various things to get the giant to stop.  I remember yelling at him many, many times.  One time I threw a rack of clothes into him and he landed on the floor. I jumped over where he was and was beating his head until he pushed me away and put up his feet to stop me coming back.  His shoes were the equivalent of a size 35 or some such nonsense and they were shaped like an elves shoes with pointed tips on the end.

We would pick a spot in the warehouse and have meetings occasionally.  One time I was sitting on a couch and there were ladies that had put folded clothes and other things on my couch and around our area.  I tossed the clothes as far as I could and yelled at them for being in our area.  Another of the times the man followed me I remember I went by a small inside café and one of the waitresses there looked at me oddly so I hurried on.  Other times I would go through glass doors to the outside and back in.

I remember on one occasion we were taking a break and went outside.  The sky was dark and overcast but not raining or wet.  The giant acted like he had business to do.  I recall he was headed inside my car parked on the beach.   The car was a small VW Beetle and I had to keep him away.  About this time I could see activity out in the ocean.  There were a few boats in the water.  There was a tug boat, a larger ship farther out and a few others.  All of a sudden I could see a large Teddy Bear head fly out of the sky and land in the water.  This head was the size of a car or more.  I said to the large fellow along with others," I want a picture of this," and they looked out to see what I had seen. About this time I could see a large rig on shore pulling a loaded logging truck out of the water.  They pulled it out fast and hard and it rounded the corner very near to where I was.

Back inside again I was going down a hall and the giant was following me and I could see two others that had been constantly followed also nearby and they were yelling at the giant for what he always did.  I looked at them and I said, "Let's get him.  Right now."  They jumped the man and pulled him to the floor.  I immediately grabbed his glasses and tossed them as far as I could.  I knew this would hurt him as we had wrestled glasses off of him before and his reaction was pained.  We continued to beat the man and then I got up and walked off.  I left the others to continue the beating.

I was attempting to keep an alibi for my whereabouts but I could see that it was not going to be fool proof as I was away from any of the others for a long gap.  I got back to the area that we usually congregated and I could see some commotion nearby.  I looked under a nearby rack and could see that there was a game going on under a table and was being played with different shaped markers.  I could hear someone say that it was finished as one of them had made a move that could not be beaten.  Finally at the end I could see a lady in water with her head barely above water.  Her mother was nearby talking away without concern.  I tapped the woman a little hard to bring her to and she came out of it.  When she had her faculties and she realized that she had been in a dream.

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