Monday, May 23, 2011

Bleeding High

I was going to school at Bleeding High.  This was our first day.  We were in a large auditorium and were setting up our own folding metal chairs to sit in.   We had a seen a speaker on a stage that was in the front right corner so we had set up our chairs pointing toward that stage but found that was not right and had to face to the front of the building.  We changed our chairs again.  It seemed I was always the last to make the change as I felt that I was not quite thinking as fast as the others. 
Once we had our chairs in order and the noise had settled down as people settled into their chairs a guy behind me had placed his foot on my chair and was bothering me.  I asked him to please stop and turned back around.  Over the course of the morning this same fellow spent a great deal of time bothering me in one form or another.  At one point I threatened him that at the end of this day I would find him and do him harm. 
Our speaker came to the stage in front and began teaching us what "Bleeding" was about.  We were told our work was due when asked.  That we put in maximum effort and we don't go about causing headaches for the staff.  It wasn't long before a staff member began working their way down the rows handing each of us a shiny new straight razor.  I looked at mine as I flipped it open and could see reflections of the goings on around me in the bright metal. 
During the morning's speeches I was distracted by the guy behind me but not enough that I didn't pick up the very explicit idea that if we were to screw up our studies and especially if we were to cause problems for the staff that it not only was frowned upon but that there could actually and truly be blood spilled. 
We went to lunch by walking down a catering service's line.  The first selection was a large plate of meat which to me looked disgusting and I went further.  As I made my way down the line there was little I could eat as a vegetarian.  There were large sweet muffins toward the end and I grabbed one.  The rest of the line proved to be very meager pickings for me.  As I walked away the same boy that had been bothering me all day took my muffin.  I went to the staff to speak with them just as I had seen my bully do earlier when he was putting the blame on me.  As I told them what happened I could see the boy making his way out of the area and into another room.  Nothing ever came of this.
At the end of the day I was home and was studying with my two siblings one my sister to my left and another my brother to the right.  We had a lot of work to do this night.  There were 100 questions and all very difficult to answer.  As the night progressed I was complaining to my siblings that I was not having an easy time of it.  Also during this session I told my mother I may very well need the bi-focal glasses that I had turned down to this point.  I was laying on top of the table and various small discussions broke out with my sister and brother.  At one point the two of them discussed what would happen in the future with them.  My brother started to say he would be the smartest.  I told him that he wouldn't be that my sister would be extremely smart and that he would be amazing athletically.  I based my speculation about my brother on an incident where I had seen him under the water and he had decided to go fast and  he was not only that he was blisteringly quick. 
I was complaining periodically during our studies about the difficulty of a question or of the poor lighting or the many other items that were bothering me.  My sister always made a point of empathizing with me and it showed that my brother was lacking this ability on this day.  My sister at this time said see I do feel more for him maybe that is perhaps because I was made from his skin. 
After some time of studying my sister got up to leave and with her my brother.  I was in disbelief that they could stop for the day and expressed myself that I thought I would be there until the early morning hours.

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