Sunday, May 8, 2011

The cult

I was in a large convention center hotel that was being run by a cult.  We went to the convention center banquet room and each person was asked to take a dose of stuff and when they did you could see it go down there throat in ripples and they would then act strange.  It was a very terrifying moment and I wondered if they were controlling minds.  I went to another room and they were picking out those that had not been there and each was asked to take the goop.  I did not want to do this so when they took a break I went to my room and they followed me to my room.  I got to the room shut and locked the door just in time.  I saw the doorknob being used. 

A little while later they had another person come over and they said that something had gone wrong and opened the room with their own key.  They made theirselves at home since I was staying there. I argued with them but they made it clear they would follow me wherever I went and whatever I did.  I decided I would take off but there were other members of my family there and I wondered what they would be doing.  I went outside the room and I saw bags of what looked like Marijuana.  They had been discussing what was in these bags when they were in my room and it was said that it was a holistic formula of herbs and plants.  I thought no it is not natural because I could watch this stuff ripple down throats.  

They locked me out of the room.  I had already told them that if they did not let me go I would call all the local media and tell them about this.  I did place a call and I asked for someone at KOMO TV Seattle and they said it was a weekend but I asked for someone to take a news tip.  The cult people started walking away. I went to the hospitality people in red smocks and ask them to let me in my room but they said, “No they could not do that.”  I knew they had been told not to. 

Somewhere I had picked up a sword that was a cross between a toy and a light real sword.  It had a broad blade and a hole for your fingers.  The person that I asked to let me in my room and told me no I smacked them with this sword which I knew would sting pretty well.  I asked the next person, they said no and I smacked them with the sword. I did this over and over.  Another man and woman were in a sunken area and there was a big hole with sunken down in the floor like an amphitheater.  The two folks were at the podium and I asked them to let me in my room and the lady said yes but as she walked up I could see he told her no and when she got to me she faked like she slipped and rolled back down to the bottom.  I continued from there asking people to let me in my room and when they said no I would whack them with my sword.  I ran across a Samoan like sturdy built gentleman that said no but he was going to fight so I declined to whack him.  There was a doorway that I whacked up with my sword and broke the top of a wooden door. 

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