Thursday, May 5, 2011

The change

I was in a van somewhere around the Seattle area.  My oldest brother and his first wife from 50 years earlier were in the van along with me.  My brother was using two pieces of equipment both seemed to be phones to call a lady.  They wanted to order drugs but could not say what they meant to say instead hinting at things.  Eventually the lady on the other end of the phone caught on and told took their order.  My sister in law was driving when we left.  I asked my brother if the order was for coke or what and he said weed and named off two colors of weed blue and red.   

Not long after we took off we met up with my parents at a roadside cafe.  There I joined them and went to Eastern Washington State where they lived.  When I got there I could see that something was far off.  My family was not the family I knew.  They were approximations of my family but not the same at all.  I learned I had a younger sister that I assumed was about 14.  I had a younger brother maybe 10.  In my world both were older than  was.  I was shaken to the core.  I could not find anything to grasp to tell me that my world and sanity were ok.  I did eventually ask a teen aged girl who she was and she said that she was a friend of Amber my niece, who in my world was now in her thirties with children.  I recognized her as being a very close friend to Amber's and I found the one little bit of something I could hold on to and I put my head against her and cried as she had been as I had known a fantastic human being and dear friend to my niece.  I told her as much as I was crying. 
After some time of crying I began to look around me and take stock of what I saw.  It was indeed a different world.  So many things technologically were different and I started sharing the differences with the room mostly full of kids.  I pointed at the vinyl record player and told them that in the future you could listen to music on a small electronic that was held in the palm of your hand.  I pointed out the rotary phone and how it too would change many times over the course of their lives.  I started enjoying telling what to the others were fantastic stories of the future.  I pointed at kitchen tools, gadgets, furniture and anything else that had changed and told them the finer details of the changes.

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