Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Deep Dive

We were in a location where my brother in law went for a deep dive down into the water to rescue a person that had gone down and gotten into trouble.  He had headed down from a concrete area that held two elevators.  There were a bunch of people that rushed to this location so I immediately took control of the situation.  I had asked some people to knock on the closed left shaft door to see if there was an answer and another fellow to make a phone call out from a nearby metal box with a phone.  There was no answer.  We were going to send down another diver but it would not be me.  Another fellow was to show in a bit.

Later we were watching for updates on a TV which only highlighted that this too was a TV show.  I was in a room with a bunch of people. In the front of the room were two TVs, the left TV had sound turned down and a picture of the elevator room.  The sound was up on the right TV.  All of a sudden the left TV showed a brief glimpse of something.  It was as if the elevator door on the left had a gray screen and we started to see images of the fellow who had dived down being help by three other people in a holding room at the end of the shaft and there was an animated discussion.  I yelled at everyone in our room for not turning up the TV on the left as that was most important and went to the front of the room to do so.

Then at some point I was in the back seat of a car along with two other people in the front.  It was as if this story was being read to us as the scene with the people in the elevator shaft was where we ended hearing it.  We had driven into the edge of a town and we all opted at that time to buy the next issue of the series before heading back out to the elevator shaft.  I remember remarking that the creators of the series sure had us hooked.

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