Sunday, May 22, 2011

Find a Way Out

I was locked in a room.  The room was probably 10 x 10 and had a metal door with a decent sized window.  No other windows or doors in the room.  There was an inside ledge of a few inches on the inside of the window.  You could see into another room which then led to the outside sidewalk.  There was a heavy-set lady in the room and she was my captor.  I spent most of a day expressing that I should be out that I needed to be out while at the same time I was feeling more and more claustrophobic.  I began to show agitation in my speech and manner and still I tried my best to explain why I needed and deserved to be out.  There was another fellow, thin and bedraggled that was in the back that I centered my attention on then.  I felt desperate and I needed an edge to get out.  I took the other fellow by the shoulders and head and started to beat it into the corners of the ledge, each blow at my full strength.  After a blow or two chunks of head began to blow out to the sides and yet I beat the head harder each time I came down. 

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