Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Syringes and a Gaming Center

My car had broken down and I walked quite a distance down to a business center.  When I got there I saw an older concrete type building.  I walked in and I saw a room with a lot of clutter that looked like it was left after someone had vacated the place.  I looked around and on one stand there was some small plastic syringe tems.  They were not syringes as they were not for needles but looked like they would hold water or something and go out a larger hole in the end.  Maybe it was to work on cars.  At any rate I took about four of them and put them in my pocket.  I did not know what I would use them for but it seemed to me they could be useful. 

I turned around to walk out and a 20 something guy was leaning against the arch of the doorway.  He asked me what I was doing.  I stuttered around and then finally told him I was just snooping around.  He seemed to accept that.  Later he told me that I should not have been so scared and stuttered around, that it would be better if I had just been more assertive with it.  I walked out with the fellow and could see that it seemed that a group of guys were hanging around and that it appeared they were just moving something in.   I hung around and wandered around and went inside of a concrete room that a half dozen or so guys were hanging out sitting on the floor.  I could see computers were set up in the room.  I later found out that this was a new business of gaming servers that were set up.  This was a smaller town and they had set up shop here. 

I hung out with the group of guys and talked and they seemed to accept me ok.  I felt a bit like an outsider but I was ok hanging out.  I needed to get a ride to contact my wife and eventually I asked a fellow for a ride.  I had taken off my shoes and was in my socks and I went back looking for my shoes and could not find them.  I thought I better get outside so I just went out in my socks.  I was waiting for the fellow to come out of one of several buildings or streets and was not sure which it would be.  I saw another fellow as I was inside that came in and asked what was going on and if he could play a game.  He started to open a door that was closed and I warned him not to.  When he got it partially open I could see a metal mesh on the other side of the door and knew this was where the servers were. 

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