Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I was being chased by another man that I knew would kill me if he caught me.  He was very close and I was desperate to find a way to escape his grasp.  I had been running down hallways of a building and I came across a high school gymnasium with a few scattered people in activity here and there and bleachers of cheerleaders and other girls hanging out.  I decided to take a change and I sat down on the bleachers, put a cheerleader on my lap and explained that a man was after me and asked that she sit higher so that it would hide me.

Somehow the girl and her friends did not scream or toss me out on my ass but played along which is what it must have appeared like on their side.  Time went by and no one was coming in and the girls were starting to question their reality.  I kept making a plea to save me and I guess I was convincing as they gave me a bit more time.  We heard some activity out in the hall and I again asked the girl to sit higher and her friend next to us leaned over to help hide me.  There was no one that showed looking for me still. Finally a boy that was on a chair a bit further away said that there was a commotion reported on the radio that was outside of the building.  I took my leave hoping this was the man that was chasing me being reported.  I left down the hallway scared to death I would be found.

I ended up in one room where I watched television hanging out with others for a bit and I was distracted by a number of TVs.  I then started again running as I heard commotion nearby.  I went into the men's restroom and was holding a closet door shut and someone went passed me again. I held that position for some time but feared I should be moving on.

I kept going from place to place looking for a way out and away.  I finally ended up in a building that overlooked the beach that dropped below the building that sat on a slight cliff above the sand and surf.  The window blinds had been pulled down on the beach side and I sat hoping and waiting.  The man that had chased me got the police in on the chase and now I was being looked for by a large number of eyes.  I saw a policeman go by the door to the room and I hid behind a cabinet.  A couple of male college types seemed to believe that I was innocent and seemed to be trying to make conversation and distract any one from spending much time in the room.  I had to leave however shortly after that.

I slid a key across the floor to one of the men and said that it was my way out.  That it held a ticket.  At that same time I could see the blind was open on the ocean side and could see a ferry coming pretty as can be across the ocean and coming into harbor.  I left then and went outside.  Nearby there was a hole in the soft soil that was house sized large and had crude steps leading down.  I took them and found myself at the bottom where there was a bit of a cut in with spider webs and a bit of a dip of a hole and I stayed there.  There was a sight line into the hole but not a full one so I hid as far away as I could and waited to hear what I could.

I would stick my head and body among the spiders but only if I had too.  I heard a couple of fellows walking by from another direction where sand dunes met the hole.  They were carrying a couple of exploration bars and picks.  I told them I wished to go with them and grabbed a couple of picks that were in the hold and I walked with them up and out and away leading to a more residential area.

Later that evening I ended back at the mall area and was sitting next to some fellows that overheard the same report I had just heard on the radio in the room that was playing.  The report had said that one Gerald Letko was found on-board the ferry and was being held,that the man that he was seen chasing had not been seen and was expected to be long gone.

I was sitting there in shaggy clothes, not the best of cleanliness and one of the men in the room asked me if I had seen the man.  I laughed.  I did not answer I just laughed a strange little laugh.  I got up walked away and took a blanket that had been nearby that looked a bit like a Mexican serope.  I threw it around my shoulders like a wrap and walked down some steps into a hallway where there were for sale at a mall kiosk some Sombreros.  I looked at them folded and adjusted my wrap and went to make a purchase of head gear.

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