Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chasing kitties, choking, and a lobotomy

My wife and I and a lot of others in our family were out in a van and a car and headed somewhere on a long trip.  We stopped at one location and got out.  On one side of the road it was wooded and on the other was brush.  We stopped and got out and were stretching.  Some of the kitties of the bunch of us got out and immediately it worried me, out here in the woods if they ran off we may never see them again.  Instantly I tried getting everyone to concentrate on getting the kitties back in the vehicles.

There was a person I saw that had walked out of a path in the woods that somehow seemed familiar.  The next that I recall there was a house that that I had gone into along with an older fellow that was with our group and a younger guy.  We started going through the house trying to find the kitties and I was attacked by the fellow that I saw out on the trail.  I was choking him nearly to death and then asking the older fellow of our crew to watch him.

I continued to look around for the kitties and then the fellow got away. This seemed to happen a few times.  I found myself choking the man again and again turning him over.  Finally I recall that everyone was outside except for me and I was looking through the house for a weapon to protect myself.  I was worried this time as I thought I was the only one left and that it could be the other fellow was after me.  I heard noise in the house.  I was momentarily on the bed and I just wanted it to be over, I was tired, I wanted my kitties to be ok and this to be over.  

Later I recall waking up and I was in a home with my wife and a few others there.  I was told at that time that I had gotten a lobotomy.  I was trying to find out more information about what had happened as time passed by that day.  I recall later being angry as hell at wife and others that they had allowed me to have a lobotomy.  

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