Friday, June 10, 2011

A lecture hall of balls and sticks

I was in a lecture hall and our instructor was teaching class.  The class was technical cases from similar work to my current job.  I had been asked to turn in paperwork on my current cases.  My instructor was walking up from the back of the room and said to me in front of the class “David, why don’t you go ahead and get by with pretending to fix something rather than actually helping.”  He said this in much more indirect language than I have and made it obvious that he was calling me out.

He then started to lecture the class.He was writing on the board showing how choosing language and his approach you could pretend to be helping when you were not and that I had been doing that on my cases.

At some point he grabbed a small rubber ball and had a small stick end and he threw the ball against the wall and like tennis hit it back with this small stick end.  He was exceptionally good at it and hit each return of the ball very well although he had just a small stick end to hit them.  He jumped and slammed a time or two with incredible agility.

He slammed one and missed. The ball went near me but by me into the rows of those behind me.  The first few rows did not try at all to reach the ball and finally toward the back of the class a person or two attempted to reach it. One such person got out of his seat and ran over to do so however the ball continued, bounced off of the back wall and went back down to the front of the class right back to our instructor.

At another point our instructor had an open face room.  He had set up several large balls and a few props of other types and had set them around the room.  He pointed out to the class that they were all there and set up in that specific fashion.  There were also some musicians set up on one side of the room and when he asked a question the stand up bass player had said something mouthy and when the instructor asked the room for the culprit he eventually got back to the bass player which dropped his bass and took off skating his way around some hard floors nearby with the instructor after him. This it looked was for show and not real.

I was sitting next to an aisle and I had a huge amount of manila folders full of paperwork and binders and other supplies.  I laid them down on the floor near a bench back. When I went to pick them up they had car grease and spider webs on them. At that point my instructor brought a large tray of fruit and other snacks down the aisle next to me.  I did not reach for anything.  I also remember saying to a person that was nearby me that they should wait until it was their turn that it was not going to be fun.  This instructor was a whole lot like my English instructor in college in his looks.

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