Thursday, June 30, 2011

Miasmic Meal - Odd Crew

Miasmic Meal

I was standing on the side of a pickup bed stirring a blue-white, lumpy liquid.  I had a large stick with a spoon on the end and was taking slurps and bites of the miasmic, lumpy goop.  I knew that the lumps were poorly pureed cadavers.

Odd Crew

I was sitting in a cafeteria chair.  On the wall not far from me was a white board.  I could see that there were items changing on the whiteboard without anyone there to write them.  I went over next to it.  I could see text highlighting and then going away and I could see new text showing up in different spots and just an ever changing pattern of writing disappearing text.  I tried to catch what was being written but I was just too slow to catch most of it. It was obvious that this was not something others could see.

I was on the street and was picked up for a ride.  I wanted to go home and the driver was headed a different direction so I spoke up and she said that we had one more chore left to do first. She then picked up another lady off of the street and she also got in the car.  The driver told the passenger that she wanted her to relive the car going over that she thought she needed to.  So I could hear the lady in the back as if she was reliving watching a car roll over and her exclamation of fear, sadness and grief.  A bit later the lady driving said that she was sorry but that she thought she needed to have done that.  It was eerie for me as well because earlier there had been a car turn over at an intersection that I had seen.

Another time I was in a club at night and I had already confronted a bunch of people that seemed to be the ones with the powers and I told them that I was privy to some things.  They were a bit shocked that I knew but did not explain a lot to me at that time.  Later in the evening we were in the cafeteria that now seemed more like an evening bar and a lady told another lady that she thought it was time that the other lady try doing what she had been training for.  The lady that was asked to try her knowledge stood up on a table and then got ready to do her thing. There was a hot plate on the table and two individuals laying heads on table. This lady said ok this is how I wanted to approach the hotplate and then started moving in fluid martial arts type moves all around the area

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