Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lisa Lampanelli - I like to Vamp

Lisa Lampanelli

I dreamed I went to a large outside festival. It was a very nice late summer morning and just warm enough to be comfortable.  I heard Lisa Lampanelli a great comic’s name announced on a PA system and looked to where I might find her.  Off to my left I saw her outside stage.  About 50 feet from the stage I yelled out “Lisa.”  She stepped out from behind some people on the busy stage and said something to the effect of, “hey dude”.  I told her I loved her comic genius and that it was awesome that I could meet her.  At that moment I had to wake up and go to work in the sawmill, however I no longer worked in the sawmill.  

I like to Vamp

I was leaning over a counter display.  There was baseball sized painted face treats in a jar.  I grabbed one of the items in the jar and squeezed it and it talked to me as I bit its face and ate a part of it.  A boy about 8 or so came up and said, “I like to vamp.”   I shrugged him away and squeezed another head, heard it talk a bit and took a bite of it.

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