Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Large Mall, the robot girl and the deal

My wife and I had gone to another city to a very large mall.  I was leaning over a railing on a platform for a small restaurant looking out at the busy mall.  I felt something grab my hand and it was a little girl about 8 or 9.  She was on the thin side with a pretty dress on and had a pleasant smiling face.  She pulled me down the short stairs and on to the mall floor.  As we were standing there I heard a fellow from nearby say “I can show you her working last night.”  He explained to me that she was a robot girl that worked in movies.  I had let the girl go when the fellow brought over a two handed gadget that he said he would explain to me before showing me the movie.  It had all sorts of small doors and switches and all and I just sort of blanked out during his explanation and when caught zoning I tried to feign attention.  I remember later attempting two-step dancing with the girl who stumbled cutely when completely lost at what we were doing.  

I had come to a shop, making my way through the mall I saw a display of stone fish in small sizes.  The colors were a purplish blue somewhat similar to amethyst.  They were displayed in water and were absolutely beautiful.  I had decided after seeing them a couple of times that I wanted to purchase one.  I spoke to the proprietor and I was having trouble making a deal.  These I gathered were also meaningful in some way meaning that they were much for a particular religion that felt they were a symbol of some sort.  I never did make a deal for one but I did admire the beauty.

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