Monday, June 27, 2011

Working at the ladies house, a video game and a fudge jacket

I was working with another guy cleaning and taking care of a home. One of our chores was to mow the lawn.  We took turns mowing but mostly I was the one doing the work. I had made quite a few rounds and was having a hard time at times controlling the mower.  It wanted to run off from you if you didn't hold it back.  I had left a few sprigs of grass that were taller in between the paths.

I had evidentially not gone exactly up and down the lawn.  It bothered me because I was sure I had gone wheel track to wheel track.  At one point a visitor which was Bill Clinton grabbed a pick axe and started picking away the little sprigs of lawn that I had left.  As he did so he was explaining what he was doing.  I had immediately moved within 2 feet of him and acted like I was the most interested person ever, I asked questions to prove the matter.  My partner didn't bother. My partner on his rounds had grabbed a 12 to 14 inch shop broom to do his mowing.  After a round I asked him why the hell would he use something so small because he would have to do so many more rounds as it just wasn't very wide.  He didn't answer.
There was a pool table at the residence so my partner and I had us a game.  The only thing I remember about it was that the game was nothing special but my partner had broken two pool cues during the play.  I was quite upset with him and could not at all understand how one cue could be broken much less two of them. 

My partner had started music from the stereo.  This was something that later we were yelled at. The lady of the house had just talked to her husband who was bed-ridden and daily was in a bedroom towards the back of the house.  He had told her that for a full day until she had gotten home again that he had been kept awake because of the stereo.  She was not at all happy with us and it showed.  I told her that I was not the one wanting to start the music.

Another lady visited the house.  She had started playing a video game.  It was showing on the monitor in front of her.  I sat down a few feet forward and to the right of her and started playing as well and it showed on my monitor.  The lady was so much more experienced than I was.  I did not know exactly what to do.  She mentioned using the squigglys.  I found them on my monitor, they were spread throughout the screen falling, sliding, moving and disappearing at random.  I clicked on one of them and it caused destruction around it.  I thought ok at least now I know some of what to do.  I told her the game seemed to be a little of a lot of other games all put together.  She eventually got up and was leaving.  I walked with her as she went.  I hugged her and told her that if she ever wanted someone to stay the night I would be happy to do so. 
The lady of the house had a bird at the back of the house in a darkened area. This was a large bird but was on a rather long perch and was seemingly to rock sideways trying to move away. I later asked the lady what was wrong with the bird and she said she had tried to calm him with a fudge jacket.

Later as my partner and I were getting ready to go as we had travel connections to make I found a plant that was spilled all over a table and floor.  I hurriedly started cleaning it up as I yelled at my partner for not caring enough to do so already.  

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