Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Chase and Hiding in the Stack in the Air

I was in the front yard area with my uncle.  He asked me to do something and I didn't do it.  He then got in his car which was parked ahead of mine.  He started it and got his speed up and then used his car to slam into mine and crush the front end of the car.  I didn't at all appreciate what he had done.  I grabbed an item or two and took off down the street at a fast walk. 

I got to the corner and I could see that my uncle was now following me.  I kept going alternating a fast walk with a run.  I got quite a ways further down and a girl that I knew and a great friend told me that she could see I was being followed and I said come with me.  She joined me as we both then matched our pace.  I told her that I would show her my place. 

Some period of time later we arrived at my place.  We walked out toward the edge of the stack of baled hay that we were on but didn't get too close.  We looked down and could see a great distance that one would fall if they went over the edge.  It looked to be hundreds and hundreds of feet but the true distance we did not know.  We backed off and sat down on a bale that was further away from the edge and started to have some lunch. 

Some passing of time later we could hear others below searching for me or now us.  At some point she and I got separated and she went far further back on the hay stack and I found myself closer to the edge now as bales of hay from the very end started to fall and as they did it brought the edge closer to me.  I fought to find my way further back into the stack as I had now fallen down from the top and was on a row of bales that was at least 10 feet from the top of the stack.  As I fought my way back in any crack I could get to more bales fell and I was again precariously perched just a moment from disaster.  

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