Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Horrible work day at the sawmill

I was working at a sawmill.  My job was to use switches and my hands to make sure that what was coming out of the saw was sorted into what needed to be cut again, what went to trash and what was finished rough product.  My equipment was precisely set up to allow lumber to cross over, under and across various steel bars for transport to the proper area. 

This day the equipment had two major problems that made my job infinitely more difficult.  One of the problems was that the electronics for my equipment was broken that signaled a momentary stop sign for the sawyer which meant that if anything went wrong I got lumber on top of lumber on top of lumber instead of fixing the problem quickly and going on.  Next problem was that the preciseness of the equipment was off for various transports that caused the lumber not to go where it should but instead it was inappropriately transferred.  This could cause more work for everyone down the line and I could get into major trouble for not doing my job correctly. 

I wanted to get all of these issues fixed but was unable so I continued to do my job that was now increasingly difficult as I tired and became more frustrated. 

---This dream plagued me.  I woke many times and knew that I was having this dream and did not want it to continue so I attempted to go back to sleep and have this dream go away.  It didn't.  Time after time the dream came back.  My sleep was horrible this night. ---

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