Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kitty in Strings - Beds with large people

Kitty being harmed

I was working in an industrial plant. There was a man that was bigger than I was that had gotten angry at me and somehow felt betrayed.  We had been fighting when he grabbed a kitty and put it in a string sack with many dangling strings and was hurting the kitty.  I was beating him with my fists with hard blows on the side of his face over and over.  If he was hurting the kitties then I wanted to hurt him.

Beds with large people

I was going to school at a university.  I was lost getting through halls of a large building.  I took a dim hallway and passed a room that was also mostly in the dark.  The room had two rows of beds and was apparently filled with large persons in each. I say this because the one fellow that I had a good look at appeared to be Samoan and was in my estimation 1000 pounds of person.

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