Friday, July 1, 2011

Lock-up Hallway and the headless, pacing chicken

My wife and I were in an environment where we were living with many other people.  All of us were in forced lock=up but without bars.  There was one long hallway and we slept off of it in our beds.  I had placed a small bowl of beans nearby when I went to bed.  I woke up in the middle of the night with a chicken in my face.  I shooed it off and noticed that my bowl of beans had a lump of dirt in it and a tiny little chicken with no head pacing around the bowl.

I got up and went down to dump the bowl. All the way the tiny headless thing was stepping here and there around the plate.  On my way back to bed I caught another fellow that was headed back to his hole in the wall. Literally it was a hole in the wall that led into a den of sorts where he and others slept.  I told him the experience with my bowl of beans and I could hear after he went into his den that he told the others that I was an idiot to blame the chicken.  I thought to myself that I wouldn’t trust that person again.

The bathrooms where we lived were coed.  The halls were very busy in the morning.  I went to the bathroom to pee and I noticed several young women as well as men using the facilities.  I went to the urinal and another lady stepped up just over my shoulder and looked down and said hello and stepped off.  I was also scorned by another lady because I had not let her go first.

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