Monday, July 25, 2011

The Cult, Lots of Veggies and Stabbing the God

I was taken to what I found out first hand was a cult gathering.  I was sitting in a large theater with stadium seating watching the speaker.  I remember that the person I was with and thousands of others put produce that they had grown down on a conveyer belt.  As my friend did they put down corn and told me how difficult it was to grow.  I saw through a large glass to my right how a very large conveyer and sorting system was taking all the produce and I found milk products and many other types of food and sorted every bit of it and stacked it.  There were huge amounts that went whooshing by on the various conveyers.  

Later we listed to more of the speaking and I could hear the speaker say to the crowd that afterwards what he would like is that my friend could take me to introductions.  As the time moved on I felt very uncomfortable.  I did not feel right about this and I could see that the speaker/leader was trying to convince everyone that he could do no wrong.  

Later in the day there were a couple of gentleman that sat behind my friend and I and were leaning over the seat watching my every move.  I was told what I was allowed to do.   In my hands I was playing with a stack of cards and I had a small 3 inch or so pocket knife that I had opened.  

I heard the fellow behind me say that they would go for the knife.  I stabbed him in the hand that was reaching nearby and I got up.  I started to move away and I turned around and stabbed the leader that by this time I heard stating that he was some sort of god.  I then took off.  

I went down the isle and out the door and joined a large building of people moving about.  I went to the top of a stairs and I waited.  A man came up and was speaking to the large auditorium from where he stood by me. I heard him explaining that they had gotten me.  I yelled out that I had stabbed their god and how could I have done that if he was a god.  A friend joined me.  Later I was in a room where the staffing and all were deciding what they would do with me and it was my friend and I wafting there and my friend was speaking with them.  I asked them if I could say something.

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