Friday, July 8, 2011

Pass the gun to a different giver - Quen Shi

Pass the gun to a different giver

This means that someone in the past gave a gun to a person that shot another person. They wanted to change this from happening so they wanted to put the gun in the hands of a different giver so that the weapon would not kill the person.

Quen Shi

I was trying to get a person to pay me $500.00 dollars for giving me bad produce.  I was putting major pressure on him to pay me.  I had been on a city street explaining to him that I would report this to the city officials, that I would take his name and put it on Posters as a killer or a person that poisoned others.  And at that time he knew I had his name because I was wearing a black t-shirt that had his name and address on my upper right shirt side.  He grimaced over this.  I was later in his house and I told him that I had a deal for him.  I confirmed his name by saying it for him Quen Shi and then asked what his wife's name was.  A little surprised he said "Melinda."  About that time a white lady walked into view.  I started to tear up.  I said look you pay me now and I will pay you back $150.00 down the road and that I would help shovel saw dust as I had seen him doing or that I would do most anything to help out.    

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