Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jumping the sawmill chains and receiving a job

I had made my way into a sawmill.  I was not to be in the mill as only employees or escorted person's were allowed.  I had been making my way via large chains feeding materials into and out of the mill and then crossing over at times to other large chains feeding waste material to be made into smaller chips.  I had made the jumps from chain to chain with some agility.  I was used to the way these chains worked so it made it an easy job for me.

I was seen once I made my way into the major working area of the mill and was deftly moving my way away.  However at one point it was obvious that I either had to move away or talk to someone in the mill. I made my way to the person that I knew to be the working foreman.  I pleaded my case for a job and eventually after asking me a lot of questions he offered a job if I were to come back the following day. 

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