Thursday, July 14, 2011

Retaliation and the big toe

I was in a locked door environment, not a prison or jail but more like a large open mall locked psych ward.  It was pretty free flow but we were not allowed into certain areas of the large open complex of corridors and doors both glass and wooden.  I was forced to break the rules on this day as my brother had taken an item of mine and I was retaliating by taking a TV near his area and stashing it in a closet outside of the area we were supposed to stay in.  I took the TV from near the headboard of his lower of two bunk beds and carried it off.  I made my way through the locks of glass doors that led out into a busy lobby, found a closet and put the TV in the corner.  I noticed that I had a big toenail I needed to deal with.  I yanked on the top of the nail and tore it away from the toe and removed all but a small section at the bottom.  I kept folding it away and back but decided not to remove it.  I saw that the toe underneath where I had ripped the nail off was husky dry and had holes looking similar to a dry sponge.

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