Saturday, July 2, 2011

Becoming a Chef and the Serial Killer's Chair

I was trying my hardest to get a job.  I was set to do my best.  I was working at being hired to be a cook.  My task was to peel a vegetable like a cucumber with a thin cut.  There were a few of us trying this and we all thought that the vegetable looked done already so collected up our piece and later presented it to the teacher.  The teacher was consternated as we presented our specimens because on our second look we could see grey to black covering that obviously we should have removed.  We were given a stainless space to work on and I finished my vegetable in good time.

Our next task was to peel the burnt skin from a large man laying on a stainless gurney.  I started the job and as this fellow was alive I was scared.  I started out and did a fairly good job but had to do the other side when he was turned over and I made a few deep cuts that my subject let me know about in the form of a not to nice sounding grunt.  I got through this and I was trying hard to find an angle to win out and get this job and there was a lady that had known me a bit from another time and place that got me my paperwork early and got me in line for the next item.  I was sitting down in a chair that resembled a barber chair waiting for my next task and an older gentleman that worked at the place said in broken English that the chair I was in was where a serial killer had killed many victims and that once there was an alarm because of an ammonia spill and sure enough it had been that the killer had dumped a huge amount of ammonia to disguise the smell of rotting flesh that was being tracked by a few people that had been smelling the smell.

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