Friday, July 29, 2011

Work I would not do, my brother, a knife and training to come

My father was telling me that I needed to do some physical work and needed to have it done just right.  This was something that I was to do each day.  He was also telling my brother.  I thought it was bull shit and told my father that I would not do it.  I left and went into my room to lie down.  I heard my brother coming so I got up as I knew that I could not lie down if they were around. I would have to do that and any other pleasurable things only when he and my father were not around as they would be taken away.

I went into the living room and sat down.  My brother came in and sat behind me.  He was speaking to me about doing what they had been telling me that I should do and I told him that I thought it was bull shit.  After a bit of time my brother walked around the couch from where he was sitting behind me and had something in his hand.  As he got close he said, “Do you want some paper,” evidentially saying this to throw me off for a moment while he then sprayed an aerosol in my eyes. He then left to walk down a long hallway.

I was angry, very angry.  I grabbed a long bladed butcher knife and I held it as I walked down a long mall like hall after him.  People were looking at me as I made my way down the hall and I didn’t much care.  As I got closer to the door at the end of the hall I realized that someone would probably arrest me if I stayed inside and I thought the better plan was to walk out the door so that no one would think I was up to anything to harm them.

Just as I stepped out the door I felt a hand lightly placed on my back.  As I took another step there was a person on each side of me.  They started speaking with me telling me how stupid I was walking down the hall the way I did with the knife in clear sight.  They took me back to a living room setting where they spoke more openly to me about how I needed to learn to handle things and not react.  I could see that they were mentors of a kind and that they were teaching me the ropes.  Apparently I was being trained for a wise guy role.

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